Relocating? Estimate your bill in your new city

Calculate your approximate household electricity bill in your new city.

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Relocating? Estimate your bill in your new city

Calculate your approximate household electricity bill in your new city.


don't know?
don't know?
By using this tool, you agree to our Terms & Conditions

To {{ctrl.relocationDifferentCity.toCity}}
5 Applicances - Maximum Impact
These likely cause maximum impact to your bill





Know more about Bangalore's Electricity Billing

To {{ctrl.relocationDifferentCity.toCity}}
5 Applicances - Maximum Impact
These likely cause maximum impact to your bill





Know more about Bangalore's Electricity Billing

{{ctrl.relocationWithinCity.fromHouseBhk}} To {{ctrl.relocationWithinCity.toHouseBhk}}
5 Applicances - Maximum Impact
These likely cause maximum impact to your bill





See how your electricity consumption compares with similar homes in your neighbourhood

{{ctrl.relocationWithinCity.fromHouseBhk}} To {{ctrl.relocationWithinCity.toHouseBhk}}
5 Applicances - Maximum Impact
These likely cause maximum impact to your bill





See how your electricity consumption compares with similar homes in your neighbourhood